السبت، 28 أبريل 2012


This topic consists of 8 hours of theory lectures and 6 hours of
  practical sessions,one criterion test of one hour duration and two hours of practical test.
Be able toLesson 1 Describe the parts of a computer.
.Understand the Intel 8086 Microprocessor.Lesson 2
Describe the architecture of MPU 8086.
Describe the stack and the stack pointer,PC and Flag register Lesson Describe the Clock and power supplies
Describe the 8086 pin diagram Describe the timing, power supply andInstruction cycle of 8086.Lesson 4 Describe the meaning of Bus in Microprocessor.
Describe the types of Bus arrangements.Lesson 5 Understand ROMs and RAMs.
Describe the addressing modes in 8086 Microprocessor.Lesson 6
Describe the Hardware and Software Interrupts in 8086 Microprocessor.
Describe the Interrupt response of 8086 Microprocessor.Lesson 7
. Describe the concept of memory mapped I/O.
Describe the types of Data Transfer.
Criterion Test
The test will be held for ½ hour duration. The trainee is expected to secure 60 percent marks without the aid of the material

The entire CPU with timing and control functions on a single chip is known asMicroprocessor. Therefore a Microprocessor or MPU is an integrated circuit that containsmany processing capabilities of a large computer.
Microprocessor Evolution
A common way of categorizing is by the number of bits that their ALU can work with at a time. A Microprocessor with a 4 - bit ALU will be referred to as a 4-bitMicroprocessor, regardless of the number of address lines or the number of data bus linesthat it has. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004 produced in 1971. This 4004 was a4 - bit device intended to be used with some other devices in making a calculator .Somelogic designers, however, saw that this device could be used to replace PC boards full of combinational and sequential logic devices. Also, the ability to change the function of asystem by just changing the programming, rather than redesigning the hardware, is veryappealing. It was these factors that pushed the evolution of microprocessors.In 1972 Intel come out with the 8008 which was capable of working with 8-bitwords. In 1974 Intel announced the 8080 which had a much larger instruction set than8008. The 8080 is referred to as a second-generation microprocessor.Soon after Intel produced 8080, Motorola came out with MC 6800, another 8-bitgeneral purpose CPU. Some of the other competitors were the MOS technology 6502 andthe Zilog Z80. The 16-bit microprocessors entered the marketplace in the late 1970s andearly 1980s. Then came the 32-bit processors.Most Widely, Microprocessors are divided into two groups based on their origin.These groups may be tabled as the 6’s group and that of the 8’s . A family
of the 6’sgroup and that of the 8’s group is shown in figure 2.

We observe that as we progress upward on the
family tree
the trend is towards greater complexity. Complexity is noted in the figure, in terms of the
bit size
of the internalregisters. The 6’s group traces its origin back to the original 6800 Microprocessor designed by Motorola. The 8’s group traces its origin back to Intel’s 8080Microprocessor. Each branch in Fig.2 is labeled near the top with the manufacturer responsible for its development.
32-bitMPUs16-bitMPUsAbout 1980About 19748-bitMPUs65802/658168086/80886802068000/6801080816/801886803068096538265C0265028028680386Z80000Z-8000Z-80808580806800
8 s6 s
MotorolaZilogIntelMOS technology,Western Design Centre,Rockwell
Fig.2 Genealogy for 6’s group and 8’s group of microprocessors

The INTEL 8086 MicroprocessorIntroduction
The 8086 was the first 16-bit Microprocessor to be introduced by IntelCorporation. It is designed to be upwardly compatible with the older 8080/8085 series of 8-bit microprocessors. The upward compatibility allows programs written for the8080/8085 to be easily converted to run on the 8086.The word 16-bit means that its arithmetic logical unit, internal registers, and mostof its instructions are designed to work with 16-bit binary words. The 8086 has a 16-bitdata bus, so it can read data form or write data to memory and ports either 16-bits or 8- bits at a time. The 8086 has a 20-bit address bus, so it can address any one of 2

or 1,048,576 memory locations. Each of the 1,048,576 memory addresses of the 8086represents a byte-wide location. Words will be stored in two consecutive memorylocations. If the first byte of a word is at an even address, the 8086 can read the entireword in one operation. If the first byte of the word is at an odd address, the 8086 will readthe first byte of the word in one operation, and the second 
 byte in another operation
